How To Market A Retreat That Will Sell Out In Minutes

by | Oct 8, 2023 | Business, Yoga, Yoga Entrepreneurs

Hosting a yoga retreat is one of the most exciting events that a yoga teacher can host. It can be a life-changing experience for both the participants and hosts; it’s like creating a beautiful package of yoga, travel, wellness, and mindfulness.

But, in a world filled with so many choices, getting the right people to join your retreat needs smart marketing. That is why you need to learn how to market a retreat so you can fill all open spaces and make a profit in your endeavors.

In this article, we will go over many proven techniques on how to market a retreat online or in your local community. Whether it be a yoga, wellness, or business retreat, you will hear some ideas you might not have thought of otherwise!

What Is A Yoga Or Wellness Retreat?

A yoga or wellness retreat is sometimes a life-changing experience for the participants. This is because it’s a unique opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and try new experiences you might not otherwise. There are all sorts of retreats available offering different kinds of yoga styles and various itineraries.

But overall a yoga or wellness retreat is an exciting adventure that includes a focus on self-care, physical well-being, mental health, adventure, and exploration of the self. The retreats often happen in peaceful places like mountains or beaches, far away from the noise of the city.

A typical daily schedule for a yoga retreat might go something like this:

  • Morning meditation or yoga practice
  • Breakfast
  • Group hike or adventure
  • Lunch
  • Quiet time/journal time
  • Evening yoga practice or workshop
  • Dinner
  • Optional evening activities like live music, walking, or bonfires.

People attending these retreats also get to enjoy nature walks and workshops about healthy living. They learn about eating nutritious foods, and the meals provided are made with fresh and healthy ingredients. One important aspect of these retreats is taking a break from phones and computers, allowing everyone to focus on themselves without distractions.

Additionally, there are relaxing treatments like massages and spa therapies to help participants unwind and feel rejuvenated. It’s like a combination of exercise, learning, and relaxation, all in one peaceful setting.

Popular destinations for yoga and wellness retreats are Costa Rica, Italy, Florida, India, and Mexico.

3 Basic Necessities of Hosting A Soldout Retreat (You Only Need One)

If you are ready to host your own yoga retreat, most likely you have been teaching yoga for a while and are comfortable leading people. Beware that hosting a yoga retreat or wellness retreat is a big responsibility. You will be responsible for the well-being of many people and in charge of organizing the entire event.

The reality is that really anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to meticulously plan a retreat and execute it with attention to detail, will succeed.

There are basically 3 things you need in order to successfully host and sell out a yoga retreat. (Besides being an expert in your field and being comfortable leading people.) You should have at least one attribute or a mix of all three.

  • A large following online
  • A large following in person (at a local yoga studio for instance.)
  • A willingness to invest in advertising the retreat.

Not everyone will have all or even one of these attributes. For instance, a teacher who might not have a social media account may be able to sell out a retreat because they have a large following in person. Their studio classes are consistently booked out and are able to leverage their reputation to sell out the retreat.

I worked at a retreat venue for almost a decade and I saw all three of these examples play out. I noticed the people with the largest social media following had the most participants in their retreat. Those hosts who were not active online had sold-out retreats but they were much smaller and intimate.

The commonality with each of these scenarios is that marketing both online and in-person will help sell all available positions in the retreat. Let’s find out more about how to market a retreat below.

How To Market A Retreat Online

Learning how to market a retreat on the internet is crucial in today’s digital age because it allows retreat organizers to reach a vast and diverse audience worldwide. The internet provides a powerful platform to showcase the unique aspects of the retreat, including its location, activities, and benefits.

By leveraging social media, websites, and online advertising, retreat organizers can create engaging content that captures the attention of potential participants. Moreover, online marketing enables direct interaction with the target audience, allowing organizers to answer questions and build a sense of community.

The internet’s global reach not only increases the retreat’s visibility but also enhances its accessibility, making it possible for yoga enthusiasts from different corners of the world to discover and participate in the retreat experience.

Build A Slick Retreat Website

First and foremost, you should have a place online where people can read all about your retreat and see pictures of the location. You can build a dedicated website or make a separate page on your existing website.

It’s not just a place to showcase your retreat; it’s a digital space that represents your retreat’s essence, values, and uniqueness. Having a well-designed website makes your event look trustworthy and legitimate. It’s also a great way for people to know exactly how to communicate with you, via whatever contact options you put on the site.

On your website, you should provide essential information like retreat details, schedules, accommodation, activities, previous testimonials if you have them, and pricing, creating a clear picture for potential attendees. Having as much info as possible will also filter out people who might not be the right person for your retreat.

Lastly, a website allows you to implement online booking and payment systems. This convenience simplifies the registration process for attendees, making it easier for them to secure their spots. It also helps you keep track of registrations, making the management of your retreat more organized and efficient.

Make sure to utilize SEO so that people can find you on the web. Optimize your website for search engines to improve its visibility in search results. Research relevant keywords related to yoga retreats and integrate them naturally into your website content. Focus on local SEO if your retreat is location-specific.

Without a professional website, you might miss out on connecting with those who are genuinely interested, making it a crucial tool to make your retreat dreams a reality.

Here’s a rundown of what should be on your retreat website or webpage:

  • As many details about the retreat as possible: location, schedule, travel suggestions, accommodation details, available activities and more
  • An in-depth bio section about all the hosts (this builds trust!)
  • High-quality pictures of the location and the hosts in action
  • Contact information and links to the hosts’ social media accounts
  • Testimonials
  • Detailed pricing breakdown
  • Booking or payment system
  • Proper SEO

*Note that you can avoid making a separate website by creating a listing on a retreat directory website, but they will collect a portion of your profits.

This might be a good option for you if you do not have any social media presence or website. There are several retreat listing websites that do a lot of the work for you. For listing your retreat and bringing you traffic, they usually collect a portion of your profits or a flat fee.

Here are some benefits of listing on a directory to consider.

  • More Visibility: Listing on popular retreat websites means more people see your retreat.
  • Builds Trust: Being on a recognized site makes your retreat look reliable and trustworthy.
  • Reaches Targeted Audience: These sites attract people interested in yoga and wellness, your ideal audience.
  • Increased Exposure: The websites often help promote the retreats they list, giving you more visibility.
  • Easy Booking: Attendees can easily book their retreat through these sites, making the process smooth for everyone.
  • Positive Reviews: Happy attendees can leave good reviews, attracting more people to join your retreat.
  • Improved Search Visibility: These websites often appear high in search results, helping more people find your retreat online.
  • Saves Time and Effort: You don’t have to create your own website from scratch, saving you time and effort.
  • Effective Marketing: It’s an easier and more effective way to get more participants for your retreat, allowing you to focus on organizing a great event.

Here is a list of respected retreat directory websites that receive a lot of traffic.

Before choosing a platform, make sure to research its terms, fees, and user reviews to find the one that best suits your needs and budget.

  • Retreat Guru: Retreat Guru is specifically designed for yoga and wellness retreats.
  • BookRetreats: BookRetreats offers a wide range of yoga retreats, wellness retreats, and teacher training programs.
  • Yoga Alliance: If you’re a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance (which is well-respected in the yoga community,) you can list your retreats on their website.
  • Yovada: Yovada is a yoga and wellness online booking platform that allows you to list retreats and workshops.
  • WeTravel: WeTravel is a booking and payment platform specifically designed for yoga retreats, wellness trips, and teacher training programs.
  • Retreatify: Retreatify is a platform that helps organizers list and promote their retreats.
  • Retreat Finder: Directory for all sorts of wellness retreats across the world.
Listing your retreat on popular retreat directory websites is an efficient way to quickly market your retreat. They will handle the entire booking process for a fee.

Promote Your Retreat Via Social Media

Who isn’t on social media these days? By utilizing popular social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to showcase your retreat, you will connect with people who are genuinely interested in your style of retreat. This is definitely one of the best ways on how to market a retreat.

Regularly post visually appealing content, such as yoga poses, retreat location highlights, participant testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages promptly.

Marketing your yoga retreat through social media is like sharing your exciting adventure with friends but on a bigger scale. Here are some easy ways to do it:

Create Engaging Content

Share beautiful pictures and videos of the retreat location, yoga sessions, and happy participants. Visuals help people imagine the experience.

Use Hashtags

Include popular yoga-related hashtags (#YogaRetreat, #WellnessJourney) to reach a wider audience interested in yoga and wellness.

Share Participant Stories

Post testimonials or stories from past attendees. Real experiences create trust and excitement among potential participants.

Host Live Sessions

Go live to give a sneak peek of your retreat preparations, conduct a mini yoga session., or a live Q&A. You could also share the location of the retreat.

Collaborate with Influencers

Partner with yoga influencers who can promote your retreat to their followers. Their endorsement can reach a larger audience.

Run Contest

Organize fun contests related to yoga or wellness. Encourage participants to share your retreat information to enter, increasing your visibility.

Consistently Post

Post updates about the retreat countdown, special workshops, or guest teachers. Regular posts keep your event fresh in people’s minds.

Use Different Platforms

Don’t limit yourself to one platform. Utilize Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even Pinterest to diversify your reach.

Engage with Your Audience

Respond to comments, messages, and shares as quickly as you can. Engaging with your audience makes them feel valued and more likely to attend.

Remember, social media is about connecting and sharing. Be genuine, and show your passion, and your retreat will attract participants who share your enthusiasm for yoga and wellness.

Use Email Marketing Campaigns To Promote Your Retreat

Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to market because whoever you might have on your email list is already interested in what you’re doing. You should already have an email list from your website, your yoga studio, live events you have held in your community, or collecting them from social media. (If you don’t have a list, start creating one now!)

If you have a list to use, send out targeted email campaigns with information about your retreat, early bird offers, and exclusive discounts. Personalize your emails and include visually appealing graphics to capture attention.

You can use popular email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or Constant Contact. These tools make creating professional-looking emails and managing mailing lists super easy.

Make sure to share details about the retreat, such as the location, activities, and benefits. Including vibrant visuals, like photos of past retreats or picturesque retreat locations, can make the emails more engaging.

Secondly, organizers can schedule a series of emails leading up to the event. They can start with an introductory email, highlighting what makes the retreat special and how it can benefit the participants. Follow-up emails can include testimonials from past attendees, information about the instructors, and any special offers or discounts.

Organizers can also create a sense of urgency by including limited-time offers or early bird discounts, encouraging recipients to register promptly. Including clear calls-to-action, such as “Register Now” buttons, makes it easy for more participants to sign up for the retreat.

Read more about the best practices for email marketing here.

Paid Advertising

Paid Advertising can be an affordable way to advertise your retreat to a targeted audience online. Ads through Instagram and Facebook are particularly effective and you can set up a daily or weekly budget. Paid advertising can generate immediate visibility and website traffic.

Paid advertising is great because businesses can target these ads to specific groups based on age, interests, and more, making sure the right people see them.

When making these ads, focus on making them professional. Use clear and compelling copy, high-quality images, and a strong call to action. You can send people directly to your website to book or to message you. There are several options you can choose to see what works best for your event.

Another trick is using retargeting ads. These ads target people who have visited a website before, reminding them about the product.

Read more about social media paid advertising here.

Research The Best In The Industry

While organizing and planning out your retreat, research some of the best in the industry to try and understand what they are doing to achieve such success. No point in reinventing the wheel!

Follow some of the biggest influencers in your niche on all relevant platforms and study how they are advertising their events. Take notes or screenshots of anything you would be interested in using for your marketing strategy.

Google search for “retreat + location” to see what some of the highest-ranking retreat websites look like and emulate their design.

Make sure to sign up for several email newsletters from the best in the field to experience a successful email marketing funnel. This sort of research can be invaluable in your own efforts to market your retreat.

At the time of writing, eatpraymove was completely sold of all their retreats. This would be an ideal candidate for marketing research.

More Creative Ways To Market Your Yoga Retreat Online

Virtual Reality (VR) or 360° Videos

Offer virtual reality tours or 360° videos of your retreat location. This immersive experience creates excitement and allows potential attendees to create a strong connection before they even arrive

Interactive Webinars and Live Workshops

Host live webinars or workshops on wellness topics relevant to your retreat theme. Invite experts to speak and engage the audience in real-time discussions. This interactive approach builds credibility and interest among participants.

Wellness Blog/Vlog Series

Start a blog or vlog series focusing on wellness topics. Share healthy recipes, mindfulness practices, fitness routines, and wellness tips. Regularly publishing valuable content establishes your expertise and attracts organic traffic to your website.

Collaborate with Wellness Influencers

Partner with wellness influencers or bloggers who align with your retreat’s values. Ask them to share their experiences and promote your event to their followers. Influencers’ authentic endorsements can create a buzz around your retreat.

Mindfulness and Meditation Apps

Collaborate with mindfulness or meditation apps to create guided meditation sessions or wellness challenges related to your retreat. These apps often have a wide user base interested in wellness activities.

Podcast Sponsorships

Sponsor or guest star on podcasts related to wellness, travel, or self-improvement. Sharing your expertise and talking about your retreat can reach a new and engaged audience interested in wellness activities.

User-Generated Content Contests

Organize a contest encouraging participants to share their wellness journey. Offer prizes like discounts or exclusive sessions for the most inspiring entries.

Collaborative Online Events

Partner with wellness brands or practitioners for joint online events. It could be a joint yoga session, a cooking workshop, or a wellness panel discussion.

Tailor your marketing efforts to resonate with your target audience, and focus on providing value and inspiration. Engaging, genuine content will capture the interest of potential participants and create a strong community around your wellness retreat.

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How To Market A Retreat At Your Local Yoga Studio

Marketing a yoga retreat at your local studio involves leveraging your existing community and creating a buzz among your students. Here are some effective strategies to market your yoga retreat at your local studio:

Create Visual Promotions

Design eye-catching posters, flyers, and banners promoting your yoga retreat. Display these materials prominently within your studio to catch the attention of your students. You can use a website like Canva to create professional images for free.

Announce in Classes

Personally announce the retreat at the beginning or end of your yoga classes. Share your enthusiasm about the retreat and explain its unique features. Encourage students to ask questions and express interest.

Offer Special Discounts to Studio Members

Provide exclusive discounts to your studio members. This incentive rewards their loyalty and encourages them to join the retreat. Make sure to clearly communicate the special pricing available only to studio members.

Host Information Sessions

Organize informational sessions or Q&A sessions about the retreat. Invite interested students to learn more about the retreat, the destination, and the activities planned. Use these sessions to address concerns and build excitement.

Create a Retreat Display Area

Dedicate a corner of your studio to showcase details about the retreat. Set up a visually appealing display with pictures, itinerary, and testimonials from past retreats.

Leverage Social Media

Use your studio’s social media channels to promote the retreat. Share regular posts, photos, and videos related to the retreat theme. Encourage your students to share these posts with their networks, increasing the reach of your promotional efforts.

Offer a Referral Program

Create a referral program where current students can earn discounts or free classes for every new participant they refer to the retreat.

Collaborate with Studio Instructors

Engage other instructors in your studio to promote the retreat. Ask them to mention it in their classes and share their excitement about the experience. Having multiple instructors endorsing the retreat can create a stronger impact.

Host a Retreat Kick-off Event

Organize a small event or party at your studio to officially launch the retreat. Offer a free yoga class, provide healthy snacks, and share details about the retreat. This event can create a sense of community and excitement among your students.

Follow Up Personally

After announcing the retreat, follow up personally with students who have shown interest. Answer their questions, address concerns, and provide additional information as needed. Personalized communication can make a significant difference.

The people at your local studio will most likely be your best customers, so your genuine passion for the retreat will naturally inspire others to join. By creating a sense of community, offering special perks, and engaging with your students personally, you can effectively market your yoga retreat at your local studio.

How To Market Your Yoga Retreat In Your Local Community

Marketing a yoga retreat in person or within your local community involves building personal connections, leveraging local resources, and creating a sense of community. Here are some effective strategies to market your yoga retreat locally:

Partner with Local Yoga Studios

Collaborate with nearby yoga studios to promote your retreat. Offer to conduct a free workshop or class at the studio to showcase your teaching style. Provide flyers and information about your retreat to interested participants after the class.

Host Free Community Events

Organize free yoga sessions, meditation workshops, or wellness events in local parks or community centers. Use these events to promote your retreat and connect with potential participants face-to-face.

Attend Local Events and Markets

Set up a booth or a table at local events, farmers’ markets, or wellness fairs. Distribute flyers, business cards, and promotional materials about your retreat.

Collaborate with Local Businesses

Partner with local businesses, such as health food stores, cafes, or spas, to cross-promote your retreat. Display your flyers and brochures in their establishments, and in return, promote their services to your retreat participants.

Offer Early Bird Discounts to Locals

Provide special discounts or exclusive offers to local residents. Advertise these discounts through local newspapers, community bulletin boards, and social media.

Engage with Local Social Media Groups

Post to social media groups or pages dedicated to yoga and wellness in your local area. Use these platforms to share valuable content, promote your retreat, and engage with community members.

Collaborate with Local Influencers

Partner with local wellness influencers or fitness trainers. They can endorse your retreat to their existing students and followers. Consider offering them a complimentary spot at your retreat in exchange for promotion.

Organize Workshops and Mini-Retreats

Host workshops or mini-retreats in your local area. These shorter events can serve as a teaser for your main retreat, allowing participants to experience your teaching style and approach. Make sure to collect contact information for potential attendees.

Utilize Community Centers and Libraries

Check if your local community centers, libraries, or religious institutions allow you to host informational sessions about yoga and wellness. Use these sessions to talk about the benefits of yoga and introduce your upcoming retreat.

Engage in Local Sponsorships

Sponsor local sports events, charity runs, or community fundraisers. Your retreat’s name and logo can be displayed prominently at these events, increasing your local visibility and credibility.

Creating more opportunities for in-person interactions is invaluable. Building relationships within your community can lead to word-of-mouth referrals and create a positive reputation for your retreat offerings.

Hire A Marketing Or PR Company To Market Your Retreat For You

If you are not interested in marketing your retreat at all and have enough room in your budget you can hire a company to do the marketing for you. A reputable marketing or PR company will definitely know how to market a retreat for success.

Be sure to choose a company with good reviews and with great customer support. Be sure to be clear about what your goals and budget are.

These companies can help you navigate paid advertising online and also in print like magazines and periodicals. They can also manage your social media and some companies may be able to create you a custom website. The only downside of this route is that it will take a significant portion of your (ungaranteed) profits.

What If I Don’t Fill All The Spots In My Retreat?

It’s not easy trying to figure out how to market a retreat, and if it’s your first time doing so, you might not be able to fill all your spots. The best way to protect yourself is to choose the lowest minimum amount of customers needed to go through with the retreat. Make that very clear in your policy that if that number is not reached, you will cancel the retreat.

Canceling is definitely the worst-case scenario and the last resort, but if you must, make sure to give participants enough of a heads-up so they can cancel or change travel plans. At least a month (more if it’s international) is appropriate.

Canceling your retreat is not good for your reputation or the image of your business, so spend time and effort learning how to market a retreat effectively so that you don’t need to make this devastating call.

If you follow all the info in this blog on how to market a retreat, your retreat will be sure to sell out and be a success! Best of luck 🙏


Hi, I’m Eva, author at UM and I’m a Yoga Alliance-Certified yoga teacher. I’m passionate about Yoga & Business and I think Yoga is the perfect axis for enriching your life as well as learning new things. Read away and make your yoga journey the most successful possible! Namaste