How To Make Your Yoga Class Unique And Addictive

by | Feb 13, 2024 | Yoga Entrepreneurs

Are you looking to learn how to make your yoga class unique and stand out against the competition? You’re in the right place! In this blog post, we will go over many different ways to yoga class more unique and unforgettable for your students.

As a yoga teacher, it’s easy to get into a creative slump. This list will also help you keep your yoga classes fun and fresh.

Use this list to inspire your teaching style; consider incorporating one of several of these techniques into your yoga class to bring it to the next level.

Use Sound-Healing Instruments

By nature, humans love music and instruments. By incorporating musical live instruments you will create a one-of-a-kind environment for your students that will allow them to transcend their body and mind.

Music can help people tune into themselves on a deeper level. This will make your class a powerful experience for your students.

Consider using bells, flutes, singing bowls, and harmonizing forks at the beginning of class or just before savasana.

Check out this blog post all about the best and most unique sound healing instruments.

Recite Poetry

Reciting a meaningful and impactful poem during your practice can be something that your students might look forward to. There is just something beautiful about poems, they can put something intangible into words.

A good time to recite a poem is at the beginning of class during intention setting, at the end of class, or perhaps in the middle of class while students are holding a pose.

You can find plenty of poems online or in compilation books. Just be sure to share a poem with your students that you personally like so that you are further defining your brand.


This might not be for everyone, but if you have the talent and the confidence, sing to your students! I personally loved it when my teacher would sing or chant, there is something very deep and beautiful about a singing voice.

Try adding a song before or after class. If you are uncomfortable singing, you can try humming as well.

Songs should be in the realm of yoga philosophy, research Buddhist and Hindi mantras (don’t go singing your favorite radio song.)

Recite Mantras

If singing just isn’t for you, another impactful way to reach your students and put them into a trance is by reciting mantras.

Check out this list of mantras with audio pronunciation to try reciting in your next class.

Use A Theme

Another great way to make your yoga class unique is by using a theme to build your yoga class. This can give you fresh inspiration and make it fun and interesting for your yoga students.

A theme can be anything, you can have a twist-themed class or a class themed on the current season or weather.

Check out this blog post with almost 100 super unique yoga class theme ideas.

Incorporate Unique Or Difficult Poses

Some of my favorite yoga classes were when the teacher guided us through a difficult pose I had never seen or tried before. Even though it might have been difficult, I enjoyed the process of trying to bend and move my body and muscles into the pose.

Right in the middle of class when everyone is really warmed up is a good time to try out a difficult pose.

Some difficult yet fun and interesting poses are Eight-Angle Pose, Crow pose, head or handstand, Scorpion pose, Firefly pose, and Peacock pose.


Try Group Work

Group work during a yoga class is when you get 2 or more yoga students get together and try to accomplish a task or pose. Group work is unconventional and even though it might make students uncomfortable at first, everyone ends up laughing and making new friends at the end of the task.

Group work can last only a few minutes but the goal is to get your students to help each other. A good example is setting up groups of 3, one person gets into a headstand position. The other 2 students, create a basket with their hands while standing up. Then the student practicing the headstand brings their legs up inside the basket. This way the student practicing the handstand can feel safe if they fall.

Try Unique Cues

The same old cues can get boring class after class for your students. Try switching it up with some unique cues. You can add metaphorical cues like “move like water,” or use imagery like “breath out like you are trying to squish a grape with your lungs.”

Keep An Upbeat Class

Sometimes yoga classes can feel monotonous, especially for new students who don’t quite fully understand or aren’t familiar with the flow yet.

Instead of giving out cues in a flat or monotone voice, try to keep the energy up as well as your students’ attention by adding more cadence to your voice.

You can also try moving around the room to keep everyone on their toes. This will make for a more energized class.

Be Friendly To Your Students & Create A Community

Many people go to yoga for their physical and mental health benefits. What can benefit mental health more than being part of a supportive and loving community?

You will definitely have students return to your classes if you go the extra mile to be friendly, courteous, empathetic, and supportive to your students.

Take a few minutes before or after class to get to know your students, after a while they will become friends and will be sure to never miss one of your classes.

Offer Teatime Before Or After Class

A unique way to build community and add a standout aspect to your class is to offer tea time before or after your class. In your class description be sure to let students know to come early, or stay late for a complimentary cup of tea.

This is a great way for students to connect with each other, build friendships outside the studio, and for you to get to know them as well.

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Incorporate Journaling

Journaling has become very popular because of its mental health and goal-achieving benefits. You can tell students to bring a journal and add a few minutes at the beginning or end of a class for everyone to jot down a couple of thoughts and intentions.

Each class you can offer a different prompt, or even just let students write whatever comes to mind..


Try A Different Location

A great way on how to make your yoga class unique is by holding the class somewhere different than a yoga studio. You can move your yoga class outside into nature, into a church or theater, onto a rooftop parking garage, or onto the beach.

Just make sure to provide all relevant details to your students and any equipment they might need at the new location like sunscreen or hats.

Play Awesome Music

Music is an easy way to set your yoga class apart from the rest. You want the energy of the music to match the energy of the class.

If you have an upbeat, intense yoga class, chill flute music would not be ideal.

To make a playlist for your class, use something like Spotify and practice with it before playing in your class.

Add Essential Oils

Essential oils are a unique way to open up the senses and wake up the mind. You can add essential oils into the air via a diffuser, or you can give everyone a drop of essential oil before or after class.

A drop of essential oil can also be rubbed into the forehead or temples at the start of savasana. Be sure to advise your students before doing so.

Incorporating essential oils into your class may be very appealing to most students, but some may not like the intense smells, so be sure to outline this in your yoga class description.

Massage Your Students

A massage is something that your students will love and it will keep them coming back to your class. You can try massaging your student’s lower back while in Child’s Pose or Downward Facing Dog, or you can massage their shoulders in seated poses.

Always ask before touching as some students might not want to be touched.

Try Unique Adjustments

Another way to connect with your students that will make your yoga class unique is to adjust your students. I always appreciated a good adjustment because I am more likely to remember the proper form.

You can adjust your students in many different ways. Try adding a yoga strap or block for more impact.

Include Breathwork

Breathwork or pranayama can be just as powerful as the physical movement of a yoga class. Add 5 to 10 minutes of breathwork at the beginning of your session to make your class distinctive.

Include Meditation

Most yoga classes have time for meditation, but you can make your class stand out by making the meditation session different.

Some ideas for an uncommon mediation session are to offer a guided mediation session, play instruments, or get students into an unconventional pose while they meditate.

Include Science-Based Facts

Everyone these days wants to know the science behind everyday life. To make your class stand out, teach your students something new by adding science-based facts about what and how yoga works.

For example, while your students are holding a deep stretch, you can talk about the science of stretching. Memorize a few interesting tidbits to use at appropriate times during the yoga class.

Make People Laugh

One way to make your class outstanding is by making people laugh. Sometimes yoga can feel really serious or intense, you can brighten the mood and be different by making your students feel happy and relaxed.

Try making people laugh by literally telling (appropriate) jokes, saying something funny that happened to you recently, or being in the moment and improvising.

Do Something Unexpected

Another way to make your yoga class fun and exciting is to do something unexpected. Instead of starting the class in Easy Pose, start in Downward Facing Dog.

If you always have the mats facing a certain direction, change it up. Mix up the flow by adding new poses or flows. This dynamic practice will keep students on their toes and coming back for more.

More Tips On How To Make Your Yoga Class Unique

Try adding any of these ideas above to your yoga class to make it something unparalleled in your community.

If you are looking for even more unique and crazy ideas check out this blog post: Unique & Weird Types Of Yoga To Try Today


Hi, I’m Eva, author at UM and I’m a Yoga Alliance-Certified yoga teacher. I’m passionate about Yoga & Business and I think Yoga is the perfect axis for enriching your life as well as learning new things. Read away and make your yoga journey the most successful possible! Namaste