How To Fill A Yoga Class Consistently With Loyal, Dedicated Students

by | Nov 27, 2023 | Business, Yoga, Yoga Entrepreneurs

Whether you are a seasoned yoga teacher who is moving to a new studio, or a complete newbie yoga teacher, having your yoga class full of students each and every time is important for your path to success.

The truth is, filling a yoga class consistently can be a hard task to achieve, especially if you don’t have a local following or this is your first time teaching.

In this blog post, we will go over in-depth all the ways on how to fill a yoga class plus unique and unconventional ideas that will keep your classes full.

Write A Killer Yoga Class Description

To start filling your yoga class, you want to start with an epic, appealing, and very accurate yoga class description.

When someone is looking over their local yoga studio and deciding what class to go to, the two biggest factors are the time of day and the description. Of course, people are going to go to the classes that work for their schedule, but they may also change their day to try out a class that sounds really compelling to them.

Make sure to use descriptive and exciting language to describe your class. And be as honest as possible, if your class is strenuous, then make sure you highlight that, and if it is gentle or yin-based make sure that is very clear.

Experienced yogis know what kind of practice they want and if they come to your class expecting one thing and practicing another, they may not return to your class.

It’s a good idea to regularly revisit your class description to update it as your class evolves through time. It’s also a good reminder of what expectations new students are bringing to your class.

Advertise Locally

The next step on how to fill your yoga class is to advertise your class in the local community in as many ways as possible. You want people to know about your class and why they should try it out.

Here are some ways you can advertise your class locally:

Create Eye-Catching Promotional Materials

If you don’t have a business card or flyer designed yet, now is the time. Having branded, visually appealing, and well-designed promotional materials will help you fill your yoga classes.

You don’t need any design skills, just head over to your local print shop or use online print services like VistaPrint, Print Place, or Moo Print to print what you need. Search “yoga” or “wellness” to get ideas or use one of their pre-made designs.

picture of a yoga business card design, the back of the card has a place to collect stamps, on the 8th stamp you get a free class.
An example of yoga business promotional materials that also have a special offering; the back of the card has a place to collect stamps toward a free class. Picture from Instagram user @du4lifeuk

Community Bulletin Boards

Utilize local community bulletin boards in cafes, grocery stores, and community centers to post visually appealing flyers about your yoga classes. Ensure that your contact information and class details are clear and easy to read.

Local Newspapers And Magazines

Place advertisements in local newspapers or community magazines. Some publications offer affordable rates for small businesses.

Consider including a promotional offer or discount to entice new students.

Collaborate With Local Businesses

Partner with local businesses such as health food stores, wellness centers, or cafes. They might allow you to leave flyers or business cards at their locations.

Offer special promotions for their customers to encourage cross-promotion.

Attend Community Events

Participate in local fairs, festivals, or community events. Set up a booth or space to promote your yoga classes.

Offer short demonstrations or mini-sessions to give people a taste of what your classes are like.

Workshops And Free Introductory Classes

Offer free introductory workshops or classes to attract new students. Advertise these events through local channels and use them as an opportunity to showcase your teaching style.

Make sure to always collect contact information from attendees to follow up with promotions and class schedules.

Referral Programs

Speak with your studio owner about potentially creating a referral program for current students. Current students can refer friends and receive discounts or free classes as incentives for successful referrals.

Collaborate With Other Instructors Or Health Professionals

Network with other fitness or wellness instructors in your area. They may be willing to cross-promote your classes to their students, and you can reciprocate.

Bring your promotional materials to special doctors like chiropractors, midwives, and physical therapists as sometimes their patients are in need of yoga. You can offer the owners a free class so they can try your class and hopefully recommend it to their patients.

Leverage Your Online Presence

Most likely the first place people are going to find you or look you up is on the internet. It’s important to have a professional website, active social media, and accurate listings on your yoga studio’s website to attract and keep students.

Here’s how to fill a yoga class by leveraging your online presence:

Keep Your Profile Up-to-date On Your Yoga Studio Website

Every yoga studio website has a teacher’s section. Make sure you are prominently and accurately listed in this portion of the website.

Use a professional yet visually appealing photo of yourself, add a well-written bio, and link to your personal website and social media accounts.

Example of a yoga instructor about page from Skanda Yoga Studio in Miami. Note all the well-taken, bright photos of each instructor.

Maintain A Professional Personal Website

Besides being listed on your yoga studio’s website, make sure you invest the time and energy into creating your own website. This will help you appear more professional and reputable. Having your own website will also help you in future endeavors when you branch out and try other yoga business opportunities.

Always include clear contact details on your website. If someone has a question or wants to join a class, they should be able to reach you easily.

Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

Whether it’s on your yoga studio’s website or your own, you want to make sure you are utilizing the power of local SEO to help people find your class.

Optimize your own website for local search terms to increase visibility in search engine results for people looking for yoga classes in your area.

Local Directory Or Chamber Of Commerce Website

Sometimes towns or cities offer an online business directory listing for local businesses which can sometimes be free.

Also, check to see if your studio is listed on local online directories and review sites like Google My Business, Yelp, and Yellow Pages. If not, encourage them to get listed ASAP.

FAQ Section

Adding an FAQ section to your website can help weary or newbie yogis who might be on the fence about joining your class.

Try to anticipate any questions that might arise and answer them honestly in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on your website.

Testimonials And Reviews

Testimonials and reviews are very important for attracting new clients. Share positive stories from current or past students on your website. Real experiences can help new students feel more confident about joining your classes.

Add A Blog To Your Website

Add a section to your website where you can share more in-depth information about topics you have expertise in. This will show your audience you are a true teacher and take your job seriously.

Start A YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel can serve as a place for people to see you teach in action. You really only need one or two videos for people to get a sense of how you teach or what your classes are like.

Here’s how to create a YouTube channel from scratch.

Special Online Offers

Consider offering exclusive online promotions or discounts for new students or when they sign up for your newsletter (this is the best way to build an email list!) This can be a great way to attract people who discover your classes through your website.

Offer A Free Local Yoga Class

Everyone has heard of a free “yoga in the park” class in their town or something along those lines. This is usually a local yoga teacher who is trying to build a reputation and attract regular students.

The benefit of offering a free class is that potential students can try before they commit. You can also offer special discounts to attendees if they come to a class at the studio in the future.

It’s also another opportunity to pass out flyers or business cards.

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Use Social Media Marketing Effectively

Social media is great for yoga teachers because it is a visual platform and helps build a community both online and in the real world.

Leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to promote your classes.

Here is how to fill a yoga class using social media marketing:

Tell Your Story

The whole point of social media is to be “social” right? Use your accounts to tell your personal story, which will allow people to connect with you on a personal level and help build trust with your audience.

If you have something unique about yourself or your personal story, don’t be shy to share it with the world.

Post Visually Appealing Content

Create engaging posts with eye-catching visuals and relevant hashtags.

Find an overall theme for your social account; it could be a mix of yoga poses, nature, quotes, healthy lifestyle tips, and class or event announcements.

Use Business Accounts

Transform your account to a business account so you can track the engagement of your posts. Over time, see what posts perform the best and then make more of those kinds of posts.

Here is how to set up your Instagram account from personal to business.

Class & Event Announcements

Use your social media platforms to announce upcoming classes. Include details like date, time, location, and any special themes or focuses for the session.

If you host workshops, events, or special classes, use social media to create buzz. Share details, images, and countdowns to generate excitement.

Educational Content

Post clips from your yoga classes on TikTok or offer tutorial-type videos. When you post educational content, you are building trust with your audience.

Post about the benefits of yoga, specific poses, or wellness tips. This positions you as an authority in your field and attracts those interested in learning more.

Promotional Offers

Occasionally offer promotions or discounts for new students through your social media channels. This can incentivize people to give your classes a try.

Client Testimonials

Share positive testimonials from your current students. Real experiences can build trust and interest among potential new students.

Interactive Challenges

Create fun and interactive challenges related to yoga on your social media. Encourage followers to participate and share their experiences. This can create a sense of community and attract new members.


Give your followers a glimpse into your life as a yoga teacher. Share behind-the-scenes moments, such as your own practice, preparation for classes, or snippets of your daily routine. This personal touch can make you more relatable.

Go Live

Use Instagram or YouTube Live to host live yoga sessions, a Q&A discussion, or you can report directly from an event like a workshop or a retreat to entice future students.

Highlight Student Progress

Showcase the progress of your students by featuring before-and-after photos or success stories. This demonstrates the effectiveness of your classes and motivates potential students to join.

Collaborate With Yogi Influencers

Partner with local influencers or wellness bloggers who align with your yoga philosophy. They can introduce your classes to their followers, expanding your reach.

Interactive Polls And Surveys

Use polls and surveys to gather feedback from your audience. Ask about their preferences, challenges, or what they’d like to see in your classes. You can also use a poll to find out the best time to host your yoga class.

Start Email Marketing

Email marketing is incredibly effective at turning potential clients into paying customers. Even if your yoga studio is collecting emails, you should also be collecting emails on your personal website as well. This way, if you leave or change studios, you can personally let your most loyal students know.

It will also give you a way to advertise any new classes you might offer, private classes, and any future yoga business opportunities like retreats or workshops you might offer in the future.

Host Events & Workshops

Use your local yoga studio as a place to host a yoga event or workshop. A yoga workshop can focus on a specific need you might notice in your students, like a handstand workshop, hip-opening workshop, balance workshop, and more.

This is a great way to build trust with students and get to know them on a deeper level. Plus workshops and events usually have a higher ticket price than just regular classes meaning these events can be a great source of income for popular teachers.

Consistent Schedule

One of the most important ways on how to fill a yoga class is to have a very consistent schedule. If you cancel a class last minute or change locations suddenly, you’re leaving current and potential students confused and irritated.

Teach the same classes every week and at the same location. You can have classes at multiple locations but keep the day and time the same. If for whatever reason you want to change your schedule, make sure you have a good way to notify your students i.e. through social media, email marketing, on your website, on your studio website, and through physical flyers or schedules.

If you can’t make it to a class, it’s best to have a sub than just cancel it altogether. If your loyal students are in the habit of going to your class every Wednesday night for example, it’s better to keep them in the groove than to break it for a week or two, you’ll never know if they’ll return. Plus with a sub, they will be very excited about your return!

Offer Something Unique

Another surefire way on how to fill a yoga class is to offer something unique. As you evolve as a yoga teacher, you will find your “niche.” That may be meditation, power yoga, sound healing, or yogic philosophy.

Having a unique aspect about your classes that really stands out to students can create a buzz that will drive more people to come and check it out, and hopefully become loyal students.

Here’s a list of ideas to help you make your yoga class stand out against competition:

  • Offer themed classes
  • Aromatherapy
  • Live music or use instruments
  • Sing or chant
  • Sound bowls
  • Recite poetry
  • Unique prop usage
  • Add meditation
  • Add pranayama
  • Incorporate yogic philosophy
  • Incorporate the chakras
  • Individualized attention For students
  • Use uncommon poses or sequences
  • Nice lighting
  • Great music
  • An alter that students can interact with

Be Down-to-earth And Non-Judgemental

Many people these days struggle with comparing themselves to others; the quickest way to lose a yoga student is by making them feel self-conscious or judged. Many people go to yoga classes specifically to quell their anxiety or self-esteem issues, as a teacher you should cultivate a very supportive and nurturing atmosphere.

Through your cues and how you speak, let your students know it’s not about how they look in a pose, it’s about how they feel and where their attention is. Your students should know your class is a safe place and a place for positivity and self-growth.

You want to maintain a positive and uplifting vibe, you can achieve that by staying humble and showing compassion for others no matter their ability level.

Build Relationships With Your Students

The most important part of your yoga class as a yoga teacher is your students! Take the extra 10 minutes at the end of your classes to get to know your regular students. As students return week after week, they will build strong relationships with you and they will look up to you as a beacon of light in their life.

Building these positive, community-minded relationships will make your class more appealing. It will also entice new students to return because of the friendly, accepting atmosphere.

Hope you learned all there is to know on how to fill a yoga class! Just know that with consistency and passion, you will find success in the yoga industry.


Hi, I’m Eva, author at UM and I’m a Yoga Alliance-Certified yoga teacher. I’m passionate about Yoga & Business and I think Yoga is the perfect axis for enriching your life as well as learning new things. Read away and make your yoga journey the most successful possible! Namaste