Official Mantras For Transcendental Meditation πŸ™

by | Aug 27, 2022 | Zen, Mind Health

Transcendental Meditation has taken the world by storm and exploded in popularity. The likes of Oprah and other celebrities swear by its effectiveness.

In general, more and more people are interested in meditation thanks to its multitude of physical and mental benefits. There are plenty of scientific studies now published that prove these claims.

Transcendental Mediation, or TM, is just one of the many mediation styles to choose from. Find out what makes TM different and how to use the mantras for Transcendental Meditation.

What is Transcendental Meditation?

Transcendental Meditation, also known as TM or “The TM Technique,” is a system of meditation that is practiced all over the world. It was created by Guru Dev and made popular by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

It is a special type of meditation in which teachers must become certified instructors through the Maharishi Foundation.

The meditation is based on repeating a mantra silently to yourself anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. The goal is to use this sound (a mantra) repetitively to finally achieve silence.

People like TM compared to other meditation systems because it’s simple and easy for anyone to learn.

Transcendental Meditation is taught by a certified instructor of the practice. You can find a certified TM teacher near you by visiting the TM website.

How Do You Learn Transcendental Meditation (TM)?

The traditional process is to find a certified TM teacher or TM center near you and set up a session with an instructor. Then that instructor will offer you a “free introductory talk” to find out what your needs are. This can be done in person or virtually.

After discussing your needs, you can decide to take the official TM course. The official TM course can cost upwards of $600. The upside is that after the course, your instructor is available to you for life, for free.

During the course, which encompasses 4 sessions, you will be given your customized mantra that fits your age, personality, and personal meditation goals.

How To Do Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation is achieved primarily by repeating a silent mantra in your head over and over again until you reach a place where you can release the mantra and find silence.

How To Practice TM

  • Find a quiet place to meditate and remove any distractions.
  • Start in a comfortable seated position ideally on the floor. You can use a meditation cushion, a yoga block, or a blanket underneath your sit bones to make your hips more comfortable.
  • Make sure you’re sitting up nice and tall with relaxed shoulders.
  • Close your eyes and start to bring your awareness inward.
  • Start to focus on the breath, breathing in and out through the nose.
  • Bring the chosen mantra into your awareness and start to slowly and deliberately repeat it silently to yourself.
  • Continue for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Stop repeating the mantra for about 2 to 3 minutes and meditate in silence before you open your eyes and return to your day.

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hand in meditation using the Mantras For Transcendental Meditation

What are the Mantras for Transcendental Meditation?

The mantras for Transcendental Meditation are usually meaningless words. This allows the meditator to focus on the sound and vibration, rather than the meaning of the word.

TM mantras used to be highly classified information, but over time, the list of mantras for Transcendental Meditation has become available. Yet, it is not known how a teacher actually chooses one for you, only a TM teacher can tell you that!

The mantras are categorized by age are as follows:

0-11 eng
12-13 em
14-15 enga
22-23 ienga
24-25 iema
26-29 shirim
30-34 shiring
35-39 kirim
40-44 kiring
45-49 hirim
50-54 hiringhiring
55-54 hiring
55-59 sham

Do You Really Need To Be Given A Mantra By A TM Teacher?

Many TM advocates claim that you must not by any means use a TM mantra that has not been given to you by a Certified TM Teacher. For the fact that this sound may not resonate with you and cause improper effects through repeating it during meditation.

I believe if you want to do TM exclusively and really dive into the system, then yes, you should follow their rules and use a mantra that was specifically given to you by a teacher.

But if you have done meditation before, and are looking for something new, I believe you can use any mantra that you like. For instance, you do not need to use the mantras for Transcendental Meditation at all, chanting the word “love,” or even the name of your child could be an effective mantra for meditation.

It’s all about the repetition and the quality of vibration of the sound you are repeating.

Perhaps it’s true, that it may not be a good idea to use TM mantras without TM guidance, but any other mantra would be a great addition to your meditation practice.

Mantras help us keep thoughts at bay and help clear and focus the mind.

Can I Use My Own Mantras?

Even though someone can teach you a technique or guide you through a meditation, meditation is a very private practice. But ultimately, everything you experience is experienced by you only.

So, yes, you can definitely use your own mantra! You could use something traditional or even come up with your own.

It’s best to keep the mantra short and sweet. Choose only a few words. The more complicated the mantra is the more likely you are to actually focus on the mantra and its meaning rather than ascending into peace.

Here are some ideas for creating your own mantra :

  • I am perfect
  • I am love
  • This moment is all
  • I am enough
  • I am home
  • Today is perfect
  • I exist now
  • I am one
  • I am light
  • Here and now
  • I manifest my reality

Other Effective Mantras For Meditation (That Don’t Need To Be Bestowed Upon You!)

Gayatri Mantra

This mantra is one of the most revered in Hinduism, it is taken from the Rig Veda, a sacred text.

The most popular translation is from Deva Premal, it goes as follows.

Om bhur bhuvah svah
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiya yonah prachodayat

Which means:

Through the coming, going, and balance of life
The essential nature illuminating
existence is the adorable one
May all perceive through subtle intellect
The brilliance of enlightenment

Mala Meditation

A Mala is a necklace with 108 beads that is used for meditation. The mala is held with one hand, the finger and thumb grasping the beads, stopping at each one to repeat a mantra.

Using a mala for meditation is similar to how a rosary is used in Christianity.

Physically touching the mala and repeating the mantra can be quite effective for people.

If you want to learn more about Mala Mediation check out this blog post: 10 Surprising Reasons the Mala has 108 Beads and How to Use One in Your Meditation Practice

Chakra Meditation

The chakras are 7 energy centers that start in our pelvis and continue up our spine through the top of the head. Each chakra represents an idea in our lives, like love, safety, voice, and peace.

Every chakra center has several attributes including color, power, symbology, energy, and sound. You can use the sound of each chakra to bring more energy to that chakra, cleanse the chakra, or try to stimulate a blockage.

If you want to learn more about using mantras for the chakras check out this blog post: Elevate Your Meditation With Mantras For The Chakras

Om Meditation

One of the most recognized mantras is Om or Aum. It is said to be the sound of the universe and everyone recognizes it for its simple yet great power.

Om is a great mantra because the sound “OM” can be drawn out to really accentuate the vibration.

If you’ve ever chanted OM in a yoga class you may already know the power of this simple mantra and the effective, healing vibration it can create.

Counting Meditation

Another incredibly simple mantra meditation that anyone can do is to simply count. Use can use a slow, even count to bring yourself into a relaxed and stable state.

Start by syncing each breath with a count. Soon enough you may be able to drop the counting and just focus on the breath.

A Few Other Mantras

Here are a few more mantras that come from the Hindu tradition. Many of these are well-known and you may even hear your yoga teacher chant one of these at the end of a yoga class.

  • Shanti Shanti
  • So Hum
  • Om Mani Padme Hum
  • Om Namah Shivaya
  • Anandam

What is your experience with using a mantra for meditation? Have you tried any of these listed above? Let us know in the comments!


Hi, I’m Eva, author at UM and I’m a Yoga Alliance-Certified yoga teacher. I’m passionate about Yoga & Business and I think Yoga is the perfect axis for enriching your life as well as learning new things. Read away and make your yoga journey the most successful possible! NamasteΒ 

1 Comment

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