6 Best Yoga Poses For A Stiff Neck 

by | Jul 20, 2022 | Yoga, Yoga Practice

The neck is one of the most intricate muscular systems in the body with 26 individual muscles. These muscles extend down into the upper back, front of the chest, and into the face. Our everyday lives contribute to making this group of muscles particularly stiff and sore.

To keep the neck from becoming tight and stiff, practice this short and easy yoga sequence for stiff neck below daily. You can even practice these poses several times a day for even better results.

Neck Rolls

This is one of the most effective yoga poses for neck pain relief. Plus it’s easy to do this pose often and almost anywhere, all you need to do is sit or stand up with an erect spine.

  • Start in a comfortable seated upright position either on a mat or in a chair.
  • Close your eyes and bring your attention to the pain or stiffness in the neck area.
  • Begin by bringing the right ear toward the right shoulder, and make sure to maintain an upright posture.
  • Then bring the forehead down toward the floor in front of you, and slowly continue rolling the neck toward the left until the left ear is above the left shoulder.
  • Finish one circle by bringing the head back and your face up toward the ceiling.


Do at least 5 rolls on one side before switching to the other side. Make sure to move the head slowly to prevent feeling dizzy.

Alternating Side of Neck Stretch

This is a great stretch to specifically target the long muscles connecting the neck to the top of the shoulder. It’s one of my favorites and works so well because you can penetrate the many layers of the neck to find the origin of the pain and tension.

  • Start by reaching over your head with your right hand and placing the fingertips just above the left ear.
  • Then gently pull the top of the head down toward the right ear.
  • Using gravity and a bit of force from your right hand you should be able to get a very deep and controlled stretch on the side of the neck.


Try adjusting by gently rocking your head back and forth to find a setting that works for you. Hold this side for at least 15 seconds before switching to the other side.

Chin-to-the-Chest Pose

Another amazing pose that can be done while you are still sitting in your office chair. This particular pose targets the trapezius muscle which is just below the back of the neck.

  • Maintaining your upright posture in a seated position, bring both hands behind the head with the elbows out, like you would do when you’re lounging out by the pool.
  • Then start to tuck the chin in toward the chest and bring the forehead down toward the floor in front of you.
  • Keeping the spine nice and tall, use the gravity of the head and the gentle force from the hands to gently start to ease tension in the upper back and lower neck area.


Experiment with different levels of tension with your hands. Hold this post for at least 15 seconds.

Cat-Cow Pose

Cat Cow is a powerful yoga exercise for stiff neck and shoulders, it flexes the spine and creates space in between the vertebrae which is great for easing soreness and stiffness in the upper body.

  • Start on the ground on all fours, or table-top position, hands just underneath the shoulders and knees underneath the hips.
  • Take an inhale and at the same time draw your gaze up and hips up towards the sky while dropping the belly toward the ground to make a U shape with the spine.
  • On the exhale, push the upper back up toward the ceiling and bring the top of the head to point toward the earth. Mimic the feeling of trying to draw your head and pelvis together, this time you are making upside down U shape with the spine.


Continue this flexing and folding shape with the spine with a round of 10 inhales and exhales, trying to go a bit deeper with every round.

Sphinx Pose

The sphinx pose is such a great relief for the lower back as well as the front of the neck. It’s inspired by the Great Sphinx in Egypt!

  • From table-top position, bring your belly down onto the ground.
  • Bring your forearms straight out in front of you and place them on the ground so that your elbow is about 2 inches in front of your shoulders.
  • Bring the palms to the earth and spread the fingers, the legs are flat on the ground behind you with the tops of the feet gently pushing into the floor.
  • Bring your chin up toward the sky, pushing the chest out in front of you, the head falling back behind you.
  • Release the belly into the floor, creating a stretch across the middle back.


If the sensation is too intense in the lower back, you can lower the head and just gaze forward. Hold this pose for 15 seconds.

Forward Fold

End this yoga sequence with one of the best Yoga moves for stiff neck.

  • Start this pose by standing up straight and lengthening the spine as tall as you can up toward the ceiling, then putting a slight bend in the knees, dive your hands down toward the ground as far as they will go.
  • You can rest your hands on the floor or a pair of blocks. Let the head dangle like a rag doll, the weight of the skull will slowly let the spine stretch.
  • Try to bring your torso in towards the tops of the thighs as much as possible.


You can try grabbing onto either elbow and letting the head and spine sway from side to side. Hold this pose for at least 15 seconds.

Should I do yoga with a stiff neck?

A stiff neck can be caused by a variety of reasons. If you have a stiff or sore neck due to an injury, it’s best to wait until that injury has healed or get clearance from a doctor.

If you’re suffering from a sore neck due to posture, sitting at a desk all day, or sleeping in a weird position, these poses will definitely offer some relief. Moving the body and getting the blood flowing is a great way to release tension not just in the neck but anywhere in the body

What are your favorite poses for the neck? Share in the comment section below!


Hi, I’m Eva, author at UM and I’m a Yoga Alliance-Certified yoga teacher. I’m passionate about Yoga & Business and I think Yoga is the perfect axis for enriching your life as well as learning new things. Read away and make your yoga journey the most successful possible! Namaste