5 Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss For Beginners

by | Aug 19, 2022 | Yoga, Yoga Poses, Yoga Practice

Are you thinking about starting a yoga practice to help aid your weight loss journey? Well you’ve done your due diligence, yoga is an amazing activity for your health and well-being!

Yoga is an incereibly effective exercise that can help you not only lose weight, but keep it off.

Just like an any exercise, yoga can help you bring up the heart rate and enter the fat burning zone. There are many yoga poses that are great for building muscle and toning the body as well.

Other benefits of yoga include increased mobility, better mental health, and improved flexibility.

Read more about yoga and weight loss here.

5 Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss (For Beginners)

There are literally hundreds of yoga poses to choose from. As a beginner, it’s a good idea to stick to simple and foundational yoga poses.

Use these yoga poses below to build a fiery sequence and burn calories.

Each of these poses uses the weight of the body to create resistance. Feel free to add ankle weights or dumbbells for an extra punch.

You can practice each of these poses below in a row for a mini weight loss yoga sequence. Try out these yoga poses for weight loss for beginners below!

Warrior Pose I, II, & III

The Warrior Poses are some of the top yoga poses for weight loss and toning because we are using many muscle groups at the same time.

Tips: With Warrior Pose I & II, make sure to keep the knee just above the ankle and the core engaged.

Stay in the pose until you feel a burn in the your thigh muscles, usually 1 to 3 minutes.

You can do a few reps of bending and straightening the front knee for an extra burn in the quads.

yoga poses for weight loss for beginners
Warrior I
Warrior II
Warrior III

Chair Pose

Chair Pose is fantastic for creating a burn in the legs, glutes, back, and upper body. The longer you hold the pose, the more calories you can burn.

Tips: Hold this pose as long as possible, then take a break and return to the pose. Add variation by raising the toes and heels alternatively.

Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog is one of the easy yoga poses for weight loss. It’s also one of the most common poses.

This is also a great pose to tone and strengthen the arms, shoulders, and upper back.

Tips: To burn more calories while in Downward Facing Dog, you can try doing mini push-ups.

Or try reaching back with one hand to the opposite ankle; this move works on balance and tones the muscles in the side of body.

Plank Pose

Plank Pose is another great pose for strengthening the upper body. It also targets the core which can help reduce belly fat.

Tips: Hold this pose for a minute to feel the ultimate burn. Try picking up one hand at a time and bringing it to the opposite shoulder to bring even more burn to the core muscles.

Boat Pose

Boat Pose is another one of the great yoga poses for burning fat. Specifically targeting the core can help slim the waist line and shed more pounds.

Tips: Bring the back closer to the mat behind you to make the pose more difficult. You can also try bringing each foot down to the mat one at a time for extra burn.

This is also a great position to do some Russian twists.

What’s your experience with yoga and weightloss? Share your story and comments below!

*This blog post is purely informational and is not intended to provide advice that should otherwise be given by a medical professional. All bodies are different and before starting any new activity or diet, check in with your medical practitioner.


Hi, I’m Eva, author at UM and I’m a Yoga Alliance-Certified yoga teacher. I’m passionate about Yoga & Business and I think Yoga is the perfect axis for enriching your life as well as learning new things. Read away and make your yoga journey the most successful possible! Namaste